The FIX Protocol (Financial Information Exchange) is a standardized messaging system for real-time electronic communication of trade-related information in financial markets.
Developed in the early 1990s, the FIX Protocol enables the seamless exchange of trade-related information, such as orders, executions, and market data, between trading institutions, brokers, exchanges, and other financial entities. It is highly valued for its speed, reliability, and real-time capabilities, which are essential for high-frequency trading and other time-sensitive financial activities. The protocol defines a comprehensive set of message types and field formats, making it adaptable for a variety of trading environments.
A FIX tag value message is structured as a sequence of key-value pairs where each key (tag) is a numeric identifier representing a specific data field, and the value contains the associated data. FIX tagvalue encoding is standardised in ISO 3531-1:2022.
FIXParser allows you to decode a FIX message into a clear, human-readable format, featuring both our proprietary Message representation and the standardized FIX JSON format.
Header: {}BeginString: "FIXT11"BodyLength: 176MsgSeqNum: 4567MsgType: "MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh"SenderCompID: "SENDER"SendingTime: "20160802-21:14:38.717"TargetCompID: "TARGET"Body: {}NoPartyIDs: []PartyID: "DEU"PartyIDSource: "BIC"PartyRole: "ExecutingFirm"NoPartySubIDs: []PartySubID: "A1"PartySubIDType: "SecuritiesAccountNumber"PartyID: "104317"PartyIDSource: "CSDParticipant"PartyRole: "ClearingAccount"PartyID: "GSI"PartyIDSource: "BIC"PartyRole: "ClearingFirm"PartyRoleQualifier: "23"NoPartySubIDs: []PartySubID: "C3"PartySubIDType: "SecuritiesAccountNumber"Trailer: {}CheckSum: "034"