Get Started with FIXParser

Follow this quick start guide to get started with FIXParser. Ensure that you have Node.js® and npm installed first.

1$ npm install fixparser --save

Install fixparser via NPM by running the following command in your terminal.

1import { FIXParser } from 'fixparser';
3const fixParser = new FIXParser();
4const fixString: string =
5    '8=FIX.4.2|9=146|35=D|34=4|49=ABC_DEFG01|52=20090323-15:40:29|56=CCG|115=XYZ|11=NF 0542/03232009|54=1|38=100|55=CVS|40=1|59=0|47=A|60=20090323-15:40:29|21=1|207=N|10=195|';
6const message = fixParser.parse(fixString);
7console.log(JSON.stringify(message, null, 4));

Import the library and parse a message.

2    {
3        "fixVersion": "FIX.4.2",
4        "data": [
5            {
6                "tag": 8,
7                "value": "FIX.4.2",
8                "name": "BeginString",
9                "description": "Identifies beginning of new message and protocol version. ALWAYS FIRST FIELD IN MESSAGE. (Always unencrypted)",
10                "type": {
11                    "name": "String",
12                    "description": "Alpha-numeric free format strings, can include any character or punctuation except the delimiter. All String fields are case sensitive (i.e. morstatt != Morstatt).",
13                    "added": "FIX.4.2"
14                },
15                "category": null,
16                "section": null,
17                "enumeration": null,
18                "validated": false
19            },
20            // ...Continues for every field
21        ],
22        "bodyLengthValid": false,
23        "checksumValid": false,
24        "checksumValue": "139",
25        "checksumExpected": "194",
26        "bodyLengthValue": 145,
27        "bodyLengthExpected": 146
28    }

This prints out a brief description of the FIX message using getBriefDescription(): "BUY 100 CVS MKT DAY". FIXParser will include the FIX specification description / enumeration / category and other data for every field in the message.

1const messageType = message.getField(Fields.MsgType);
2if( messageType ) {
3    const messageDescription = message.getEnum(messageType.tag, messageType.value)?.description;
4    console.log(messageDescription);
6// NewOrderSingle
7// The new order message type is used by institutions wishing to electronically submit securities and forex orders to a broker for execution.
8// The New Order message type may also be used by institutions or retail intermediaries wishing to electronically submit Collective Investment Vehicle (CIV) orders to a broker or fund manager for execution.

You can further identify the type of FIX message by using the functions on the Message class, such asgetField() and getEnum().

Additional examples

Check out more examples on Gitlab.